3rd Grader Wins Youth Apple Blossom Logo Contest
The Apple Blossom Festival has named 3rd-grade student Coralee Collings as the winner of their 2023 Youth Parade Logo Contest.
Both Wenatchee and Eastmont School District students in grades K-8 were given the chance to create an original design that reflected this year’s festival theme, “We’re All In This Together,” or art that reflected the spirit of the Apple Blossom Festival.
On March 22, Festival Office and Events Coordinator Erin Boatright, Youth Parade chair Shayne Rennie, Queen Scarlette Cron and Princesses Natalie Pearson and Dylan Schmitten presented Collings her reward at the Learning Well school.
Collings was awarded a volunteer t-shirt with her design printed on it, $100 cash from Cashmere Valley Bank, and will be honored in the 2023 TekniPlex Youth Parade on Saturday, April 29.
Apple Blossom Festival Youth Parade Logo Contest winner
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