Chelan County Opening Next Round Of Lodging Tax Grants
Chelan County will begin taking applications for its next round of lodging tax funding tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 1).
The County's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee accepts applications from groups that can show an ability to increase tourism and boost overnight stays or retail sales within the county.
Spokesperson Jill FitzSimmons says the County goes through two application phases every year.
"This round of lodging tax dollars is for marketing and events. So it will go to things like our county's community festivals that need a little help or marketing efforts by chambers of commerce. In the spring, we take capital grants which are more for projects and structures."
FitzSimmons says the County has a total of $280,000 available for lodging tax grants during its second application period this year, and the process for determining who will receive the money will take place this fall.
"The advisory committee will sit down and go through all of the applications in October and we will have answers for who's going to get what by the end of the year."
All applications must be submitted online through the County's website.
The deadline to apply for funding is 5 p.m. on Oct. 15.