Washington City Ranks Very High for Best City for Foodies
I call myself a foodie.
Whenever I travel, I find what food that town is known for.
Traveling is a great way to see what new food is out there or what food that region is known for.
Place like upstate New York you'll find items like chicken riggies and something called a garbage plate.
St. Louis, you'll see that just about any place will have something called toasted ravioli on the menu.
And us here in Eastern Washington, we can call cheese zombies our very own as it stayed here in Eastern Washington. People in other regions may have something similar, but it's not the same or even called the same.
Sucks to be them.
I wasn't surprised to see that an iconic Pacific Northwest city ranked high for best foodie cities in the United States.
What are the best foodie cities in the United States?
Seattle came in at number 8 of best foodie cities. I was hoping it'd be higher but anywhere in the top 10 is an honor.
The biggest foodie city belongs to Miami, FL. I wish I had more time to spend there, I was only in Miami once for a flight and only had a Cubano (Cuban sandwich) and a slice of key lime pie at an airport restaurant but it was amazing.
Our friends in Portland, OR, were in 4th place which is nice to see. All of those amazing food trucks, it makes sense as you can get a little of everything all at once.
Check out Wallet Hub for more info on other cities and why they're known as foodie cities.
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