NCW Road Construction Updates – When Will it All End?
In the past several weeks, I have patiently waited in area road construction projects. Two of the projects, mentioned below deal with roundabouts - one at White Trail Road in Quincy, the other in Wenatchee at the intersection of HWY 2 and Easy Street. When will the projects wrap up? We'll tell you, with the latest from the DOT.
SR 28 White Trail Rd. Roundabout (By the red fruit stand)
Taking place at the intersection of SR 28 and White Trail Rd. west of the City of Quincy.
Construction began back in early April. I’ve personally experienced this a couple of times on my son's soccer away games in Tri-Cities. Not only is access to White Trail Road closed, but traffic is reduced to a single lane, with alternating traffic. Thankfully, it should be completed in early June.
US 2 - US 97 Easy St Roundabout (Where Easy Street & Hwy 2 intersection…near the movie theater)
This takes place at the intersection of US 2/97 and Easy Street in Wenatchee, Crews are constructing a multi-lane roundabout at the existing signalized intersection. There is obviously a change in how we get from point A to point B in the work zone. A complete description of the detours with maps, is available on the WSDOT blog. The Washington State Department of Transportation website mentions a completion date of “Summer 2023” - We’ll let you know more, when they tell us.
SR 28 - East Wenatchee Corridor Improvements (on East Wenatchee’s Sunset Highway)
This project, in the pre-construction phase:
Will improve safety and mobility on the Sunset Highway corridor (SR 28), in the East Wenatchee urban area from 9th Street to the Odabashian Bridge. -WSDOT
The DOT reports that nearly 15,000 vehicles use the Sunset Highway on a daily basis. As the area grows, so will the traffic volume on the road. A plan to help with the increased volume and for vehicles that will take into account cars trying to cross and exit. The Sunset Highway Improvement project is scheduled for completion, Winter of 2028.