Port Using $10 Million Grant On Safety Upgrades At Pangborn Airport
The Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority is getting $10 million in federal grant money to make safety improvements at Pangborn Airport.
The grant was awarded by the Federal Aviation Administration, and secured by 4th District Rep. Dan Newhouse.
Stacie de Mestre with the Port says they're expecting another grant to complete the project, which totals about $20 million.
"Do to the way that the FAA releases their grant funding, they were only able to give us a partial grant," said De Mestre. "And we're expecting the remainder early next year."
De Mestre says the scheduling will work out well because the project is divided between two construction seasons, and the initial grant is enough to get the first part going.
The first phase will start in the coming weeks, with the second phase to start next April.
The total cost of the taxiway improvement project is $20,471,949. The FFA grant will finance 90 percent ($17,702,745) of the costs, while the Port will supply the balance ($2,769,204).
The contract for the project was awarded to local Wenatchee area contractor Selland Construction Contract, which offered the lowest bid.
De Mestre says the money will be predominantly used to make safety upgrades to the airport taxiway.
"Currently the taxiway is out of compliance with FAA standards, so we are reconstructing it to meet all of their standards," De Mestre said.
This project will realign and reconstruct 5,000 feet of the parallel taxiway, along with 2,000 feet of connecting taxiways.
The Taxiway is currently 50 feet wide, while FAA design standards require a full-strength pavement width of at least 75 feet for the design aircraft, the Bombardier DH8 Q400.
Much of the pavement within the project limits is deteriorating due to age and loading.
A memo from the Port Authority says the work will involve clearing and grubbing, grading, and pavement removal and replacement, edge lighting, utility and storm drainage improvements, airfield signage, and pavement markings.
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