Washington State and Bullies: What’s the Deal?
How does Washington State define a "Bully"?
"Any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 9A.36.080(3), or other distinguishing characteristics, when the intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student's property; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting a student's education; or
- Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school." Source
Have you ever dealt with a bully?
I feel like we all have at one point or another. Right? Maybe not, if you fall under the "maybe not" category, consider yourself lucky.
I remember being bullied in school for being "over developed," when I had no control over anything, but man, kids can be mean!
How to Handle a Bully
Gallery Credit: Aly
What are the effects of bullying?
Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience:
- Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood.
- Health complaints
- Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school. Source
Do you know anyone who has been effected by bullying? Are you being bullied?
Please know that you are not alone, and if you feel like you can't speak to anyone close to you, click here for mental health resources.
Together we can stop bullies in their tracks.
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