You did not read that headline wrong.

Maybe your a jeep owner, and you already knew this.

I however am not a jeep owner, and I had no clue. BUT I did notice when my friends who DO own jeeps, they have little rubber duckies in their rigs. Why?


We are accustomed to seeing rubber duckies in the bathtub. Not out of the ordinary, and makes you feel a bit childlike right?

Why are Jeep owners getting Ducked?

Now, finding a rubber ducky in a Jeep, is not the same as finding a rubber duck in the tub.

Here's the story:

"Allison Parliament, the founder of Jeep Ducking and the #DuckDuckJeep hashtag, was in a physical and verbal assault by a stranger while at a rest stop. After the exchange, she stopped at a local store and stopped a bag of rubber duckies. Got to the parking lot and happened upon a stylish jeep. In an effort to right the wrong that just happened to her, she placed a rubber ducky on the jeep along with a not, "Nice Jeep! Have a great day! And just continued to keep Ducking Jeeps as a "feel good." Source

A gal during covid decided to brighten up the long cooped up days with rubber duckies.

If a Jeep owner finds a rubber ducky, a fellow Jeep owner liked said person's Jeep.

Where are all my Ford Edge owners?! I wanna do this! I just get honked at.


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