It's Illegal to Do These 10 Things on a Public Bus or Train in WAIt's Illegal to Do These 10 Things on a Public Bus or Train in WAYou would think this is common sense!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
20 Deadly Weapons That Are Illegal in California20 Deadly Weapons That Are Illegal in CaliforniaDon't get busted with any of these twenty weapons in California unless you want to do some serious jail time!ChrisChris
Love Actually: Is Common Law Marriage Recognized in WA, OR, CA?Love Actually: Is Common Law Marriage Recognized in WA, OR, CA?See if you and your partner are entitled to tax benefits without a formal marriage ceremony. 💍Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Legally Frosty: Can You Leave Your Pet Outside in the Cold in WA?Legally Frosty: Can You Leave Your Pet Outside in the Cold in WA?Very cold temps start this week, so if you have outside dogs, do what's right to keep them warm and safe.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
New Washington Illegal Drug Law Change Already Showing ResultsNew Washington Illegal Drug Law Change Already Showing ResultsAfter years of failed experimentation, the commonsense drug law changes just enacted a week ago is already showing positive results.Aj BrewsterAj Brewster