The radio announcer broke the frightening stillness of the airwaves. “Ladies and gentlemen, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to continue the broadcast from Grovers Mill.”
Some times people will come up to me and say, “That’s a true Washingtonian right there! Being able to handle cold weather wearing shorts!” Actually, I’m a warm climate beach boy from SoCal.
We may have found a true ghost town in Govan, Washington just off highway 2, not far from the Tiny Town that we explored earlier, Wilbur. Although ask the gentleman who actually lives in Govan (pronounced go-van), he has never seen any supernatural phenomenon. More on him later.
I recently went home, and while driving around my childhood neighborhood, I’d listen to songs from my Wonder Years that reminded of my first love. My best friends. My family. Emotions hit me hard. Sometimes wishing was 12 years old again. Yep. I cried.
Yeah, We know when we live in a small town. And for the most part, we love it. Sure we don't have a few things that we would love to see come to Wenatchee. We've talked about before. But there are a few other signs. And we like to make fun of ourselves for it.
With each successful business, many have mottos that they live by. Within our jobs, and even in our personal lives, it’s about the culture that makes the best work environment. There’s nothing like being positively encouraged and uplifted. I’ve worked at places where I’ve said, “It’s like family here”.
I recently wrote about my dream of starting up a tiki bar here in Wenatchee, wondering if a tiki bar could actually be successful. Could we successfully compete with the other bars around town. So I had to find out what people thought of some of the local bars. Talk with people, and of course checking out the ratings of these places.
Gibson, Moffitt, and Ponce are just the beginning. Others will follow. Coming back as a tight knit team knowing the each other’s patterns as each one grows better. Once a young team just getting to know each other. 2023 is going to look like a season of synchronize swimming. At least…that’s what we’re hoping for.
Tiki bars started to spring up here in the United States after our military men came home from World War II. Specifically after serving in the South Pacific. Decking out bars designed with tropical decor, serving up such drinks like the Mai Tai, the Zombie, the Navy Grog, and the Jungle Bird. Served is creative tiki style mugs.
With each tiny town, I’d discover interesting history that makes these small hard to see dots on the map so unique. So while looking for another tiny town to explore with just a few people living there, I stumbled upon a town named, Marlin with a population of 52-ish. But when I went to look it up on the map, to my confusion it kept pointing me to Krupp, Washington. “No, you stupid Google Map! I want Marlin, Washington!” Once again I was directed to Krupp in Grant County.