
Save while you Treat Yourself
Save while you Treat Yourself
Save while you Treat Yourself
Without getting into the politics of inflation or really touching base on prices and how they have hiked, I want to let you in on how I have already saved a dime or two! And I have been doing most of these things for about 2 years, so I can vouch, that they are do-able with a little practice and patients...
Cold in the Wenatchee Valley
Cold in the Wenatchee Valley
Cold in the Wenatchee Valley
The air is crisp, your nose gets cold, the hair on your arms stands straight up if you haven’t layered up, and the sense of “Maybe if I eat soup for dinner, it’ll warm my bones.” When I get off work on cold days, wrapping up in a blanket and a nice warmish house. I say warmish house ca...