Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival

Did You Know: Wenatchee Businesses Edition
Did You Know: Wenatchee Businesses Edition
Did You Know: Wenatchee Businesses Edition
We pass by these places, just about every day, if not multiple times a day. But what do we actually know about these Wenatchee companies that have graced our valley for years? With locations ever changing and new businesses added, it's hard to even scratch the surface. So, I have compiled a fun list for us to just think on.
What is Wenatchee Known For?
What is Wenatchee Known For?
What is Wenatchee Known For?
If you ask Google: “What is Wenatchee known for?” - it gives you:   Wenatchee is referred to as the "Apple Capital of the World" due to the valley's many orchards. The city is also sometimes referred to as the "Buckle of the Power Belt of the Great Northwest". The "Power Belt...