
Best Stargazing Spots in NCW
Best Stargazing Spots in NCW
Best Stargazing Spots in NCW
It's not surprising I suppose that since I consider myself a bit of a Star Kiddo (i.e., that I'm not really from around these Earthly parts ;-) that I love to go stargazing. Even if you don't identify with being from some vastly distant place in the cosmos like I do, stargazing is a great way to remind us all exactly where we come from...
THE TINY (TOURIST) TOWN: Winthrop, Washington
THE TINY (TOURIST) TOWN: Winthrop, Washington
THE TINY (TOURIST) TOWN: Winthrop, Washington
Really small towns fascinate me. And the people who live in these small towns likewise interest me. Especially since I’m a big city beach boy from Torrance, California (a suburb of Los Angeles), with a population of 143,000+, within a population of 3.8 million+, where it’s non-stop city for over 160 miles with 172 IN-N-OUT restaurants. So when I stumble upon a tiny town with a population of 400 like Winthrop, Washington, I need to know the history and why are people living there.