1st time mother alert here. And what in the actual heck?! My little girl, granted I’ve already had about 5 years of “firsts” by now but cut to now, yesterday was her first day of kindergarten… I had it together, until I got into my car to drive away.  

We see the posts every year “Jo’s first day of school!” “Amanda is a senior this year!” with smiling faces and hopes for an awesome new school year. I used to only observe that, this year, I got to be one of those posts!  

Seeing my little girl so excited about what to wear on her first day to her loving the fact that she has a “big girl backpack.” But when you take a step back as a mother, it’s mindboggling! All of a sudden, we remember how we would be so excited for the first day, we remember wondering if the new teacher is going to like us or not. We don’t think “I wonder how mom takes this?” I may have hugged her a bit tighter had I did ask myself that.  

Jenna (my little girl) is super sociable, kind and always looking for the next piece of joy’s vibe to follow. So, this should come as no surprise… I go to drop her off at school yesterday and while she was a tad nervous, she was beaming with smiles and a twinkle in her eyes. As soon as I told her I had to head out and to enjoy her day, she hugged me and then ran off to play.  

My “why didn’t anyone warn me,” comes from the fact that I don’t understand how so many emotions can leak from your eyes when you are essentially “prepared.”  

Photo Cred: Alyssa White
Photo Cred: Alyssa White

attachment-jenna first day

Jenna's First Day of Kindergartdn

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