Cashmere Girl Serves In Olympia as House Page
Sophie Hill, a student at Cashmere High School, served as a legislative page for the state House of Representatives in Olympia, WA last week. Hill was sponsored by 12th District Rep. Keith Goehner (R) - Dryden. .
Sophie is the daughter of Josh and Heidi Hill. She is also the granddaughter of Rep. Goehner and his wife Lisa.
"It was fun to have our granddaughter, Sophie, serve as a page this session so she could get an up-close look at the Legislature and our state government," said Goehner. "It is important students get involved and understand how our political process works. There is a lot of focus on politics right now and the more students stay involved, the better understanding they will have of the process and issues before them."
Hill got to spend the week of Feb. 13th observing what her grandfather is doing during the legislative session in Olympia. Goehner's work as a lawmaker is only one of his jobs, he is longtime pear orchardist in Dryden.
Students are invited to apply for the Legislative Page Program. If selected, they spend a week attending page school to learn about state government and how to assist lawmakers. Students get to draft their own legislation and present them before their fellow pages at mock committee hearings.
Pages earn a $50 stipend per day and must meet age and permission requirements. To learn more visit the House Page Program website link.