Dog Killed In Wenatchee House Fire; 3 Fires Take Place In 24 hrs.
There's damage to a home in Wenatchee that left one dog dead Thursday morning.
Crews arrived at the house in the 300 block of Fuller Street just before 9:30 am to find a fire burning in the kitchen and attic area.
Wenatchee Valley Fire Chief Brian Brett says two out of three dogs found inside the home survived.
“The one dog that did succumb was a larger dog,” said Brett. “His head was higher up. They were in their kennels. His head was higher up in the kennel, and the better air was down lower. The two other dogs were smaller, lower to the ground. They still had good air down there.”
One of the dogs bit a firefighter after running out of the house, although the crew member was not seriously injured.
Brett says they were able to keep the fire from severely harming the house.
“Most of that home was contained on the first floor,” Brett said. “It did extend into the attic. Restoration work and they should be back in business soon. Still, minor to moderate damage in the home. Completely savable.”
Crews were also able to remove many of the valuable items inside the house and save them from smoke damage
The Cause of the fire is under investigation.
Two fires on Wednesday brought the total to three in the Wenatchee Valley within 24 hours.
Brett said crews limited damage to one room at a home in the 1600 block of Okanogan Avenue in Wenatchee.
He said it was likely caused by spontaneous combustion of dryer lint in a can.
The Okanogan Avenue fire took place at about noon Wednesday, and was followed by a brush fire just before 6 pm in the 3000 block of Riviera Blvd. In Malaga.
Brett said crews arrived to find several buildings threatened by the fire but were able to quickly put it out before it could spread.
He said two kids playing with a lighter caused that fire.
“We just, coincidentally had three working fires within 24 hours,” Brett said. “No correlation between any and all different causes for all three.”
The Wenatchee Valley Fire Department on average is sent to one building fire every 39 hours.
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Gallery Credit: Jaime Skelton