Quick: Name something people do on public transportation that gets on your nerves!

If it gets on your nerves, it's bound to get on the rest of ours, and some of those things people are doing are actually illegal! For me, I hate when people walk on the bus talking loudly, playing loud music on their boom boxes, or start being rude to the bus driver or train conductor.

We all know that it is illegal to do all sorts of things on a train, trolley, ferry, bus, monorail, or any other official vehicle or vessel being operated by the public transit.

In Washington State, any kind of transportation that's run or managed by a town or city (and operates on a fixed schedule) is considered public transportation. These vehicles are also called "transit vehicles", and there is a state law on the books about what you *cannot* do!

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Types of Public Transportation We Use in Washington State

Washington gets extra cool points for being one of the few states in America that operates ferries for public transportation. We might not have subways, but we've got ferries!

We also have monorails, trams, train cars, buses, and shuttles that are available for public use.

If you live in one of the major Washington cities like Spokane or Seattle, you're likely to use the bus to commute so that you can save some money and not deal with too much traffic.

It Is Illegal to Do These 10 Things on a Public Bus or Train in WA

Consequences for Breaking the Law on a Bus or Train in Washington

If you break one of the laws covered under RCW 9.91.025, it is a misdemeanor. Reading this law might seem kind of daunting or make your eyes cross trying to read through it, so I decided to hook you up with a handy visual aid.

Fair warning, I think 100% of theses no-nos are common sense!

10 Absolute No-No's on Public Transporation in Washington

Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby


7 Odd Things Can’t You Ship Through the Mail in Washington State

These 7 items are a big no-no for shipping in the mail.

Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals

7 Basic Everyday Things That Were Once Banned in Washington State

Did you know there was once a ban on selling an ice cream cone on Sunday? Discover the seven surprising things that were once banned in Washington State.

Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals