Pieces In Place For Wenatchee YMCA Land Purchase At PUD Campus
The final piece of land is now available for the Wenatchee Valley YMCA to build a new facility on part of the former Chelan PUD campus at Wenatchee Ave. and Fifth Street.
The Chelan Douglas Port Authority released its option to buy what's referred to as Lot 8 at its meeting Tuesday.
YMCA CEO Dorry Foster says plans for Lot 8 include use as a personal training center.
"What we'll do right away is, first thing, is move all of our current fitness equipment off into that," said Foster. "We'll still have a fitness center in our new facility, but this will be for personal training uses only."
The Y also plans to use lot 8 to house a teen center and a pre-school center.
In addition, Foster says they plan to lease part of Lot 8 out to a retailer who would offer recreational gear – rentals of kayaks, paddle boards and bicycles, among other things.
Lot 8 is about 59,000 square feet.
The Y is purchasing two other lots on the PUD campus for its new facility, Lots 6 and 7.
The Port Authority waived its option to purchase lots 6 and 7 in August.
Foster said three specific donors to the Y were concerned it would be "landlocked" (from Fifth Street) with just lots 6 and 7.
She said those three donors made up the difference so that lot 8 could be purchased. Lot 8 will give the Y property facing 5th Street for easy public access.
The purchase of Lots 6 and 7 will cost $400,000. The addition of Lot 8 - $800,000 – will bring the total purchase price for the Y to $1.2 million.
Foster said the YMCA’s fundraising goal is now $25.4 million, an increase in the last two months. She said the increase was partly because of the aquatic center plans they have.
Foster said the YMCA has raised $11.3 million so far, 44 percent of its goal.