Well, here we go with a fresh new list of the five most liked songs of the week for the Wenatchee Valley! All thanks to the requests from the listeners of Kissin’ 977. Keep them coming!
Well, here we go with a fresh new list of the five most liked songs of the week, to kick off the new year of 2023! All thanks to the requests from the listeners of Kissin’ 977. Keep them coming!
Well, here we go with a fresh new list of the five most liked songs of the week! All thanks to the requests from the listeners of Kissin’ 977. Keep them coming!
Well, I love the song but you be the judge this week. Can Rock and a Hard Place reach the number one spot like Fall in Love? Give it a listen this week and then call me at 509.662.5976, or Tweet us @kissin977, or text us a message on our smart phone app.