I've always thought the Coast Hotel, our nextdoor neighbor, was the tallest building in Wenatchee. I was wrong. It's the second tallest in town.

So what are the tallest buildings in Wenatchee? Lets count em down, Ryan Seacrest style.

#6 The Chelan County Courthouse


Built in 1924. Standing at 57 feet tall -  This was known as the tallest building in Wenatchee from 1924 to 1929. The Courthouse building oversees the Apple Blossom Food Court in the Spring, just like a king, giving its proud approval.

Address: 350 Orondo Ave

Tied for #4 The Doneen Building

Nick McLean Real Estate
Nick McLean Real Estate

Built in 1929. Standing tall at 75 feet. Found on the corner of Wenatchee Avenue and Palouse - The Doneen Building is the home to retail on the ground floor and offices throughout the six stories of “Art Deco & Gothic Revival Style”

Address: 5 N Wenatchee Avenue

Tied for  #4 Central Washington Hospital

Central Washington Hospital Emergency Entrance

The remodel and upgrade in 2011, gave it a boost of height to 75 feet & has six floors. My son was born in 2011, the final year of the ground floor birthing room.

Address: 1201 S Miller St

#3 Burke-Hill Apartment Building

Jon Roanhaus/Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
Jon Roanhaus via Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 4.0

Built in 1930, across the street from the Plaza Super Jet grocery store. I’ve had many co-workers call this building home. 80 feet, six stories.

Address: 119 S Okanogan Ave

#2 The Coast Wenatchee Center Hotel


Built in 1983. This 9 story hotel stands tall at 112 feet. The Coast Hotel has the Rivertop Bar & Grill on the top floor and an indoor pool down below.

Address: 201 N Wenatchee Ave

#1 Cascadian Apartments


Built in 1929, the Cascadian Apartments has 10 floors and stands at 127 feet. This building has been the tallest structure in Wenatchee for almost 100 years.

Address: 102 N. Wenatchee Ave.

Thanks to everybodywiki.com for having such a thorough list of building heights to compare from.

Photo of Burke-Hill Apartments by Jon Roanhaus / CC BY-SA 4.0 – No Changes Made

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Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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