Mcdonald's, a restaurant chain known by the whole world. How many are there in the world? Too many, or maybe not enough? Depends on how you look at a glass, is it half full or half empty.

Over 38,000 McDonalds locations worldwide in over 100 countries. 

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

That's a ton of different places to place an order from! And mind you, different countries hold different menu items. Catered to the specific country that Mcdonald's resides in.

But how many are in Washington State alone?

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Well in Oregon, the number of restaurants is, 160. 

Making Oregon the 24th smallest state in the USA with that many locations.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Another state neighbor is Idaho, surely they have a high number of Mcdonalds locations, right?

63 Mcdonalds locations to be exact. 11th state with the fewest locations to say, "ba da bum ba pa... I'm Lovin it."

Ok, now to Answer the question!

How many locations of Mcdonalds are there in Washington State?? 

259 locations! Making it the 18th state with the most locations.

How Many McDonald’s Restaurants Are in Your State?

I don't know about you, but I absolutely love a good big ole juicy Big Mac. you've got to ask for the extra cheese though! oh and a large fry and large diet coke please! Maybe add some chicken nuggies and BBQ sauce to the order too. That's all

Oh and maybe a Mcflurry... If the machine isn't "broken."

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