I may not be the best person to talk about any sort of creepy crawler or animal that could possibly kill me in a matter of seconds. But here we are. To be honest too, I cannot stand one of species on the list. They get every single "nope" outta me with a trail of smoke left behind from running so dang fast.

5 Dangerous, "Nope get me outta here," Animals in Washington State:

Bears - 

Washington has Black Bears and Grizzley Bears. Though the population of Grizzley's is small, there is still a good group of them in the Selkirk Mountains. You especially want to "nope right out," if momma bear and her cubs are around.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Cougars - 

No I am not talking about your friends' mother, geez. For real though, cougars freak me out! they stalk, creep around and can run super-fast! NOPE!

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Elk - 

The size along of these guys are just jaw droppingly huge, and funny enough, they can be rather defensive and aggressive. I do like looking at them though through binoculars when they are roaming through the snowy areas of Washington.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Rattlesnakes - 

I do not like snakes in general, not even the "harmless," ones. Nope. I'll never forget coming across a rattler when I was a little girl, with my grandmother. We just quietly backed away. Lucky nothing happened, but please do be careful and watch your step when hiking.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Black Widows - 

This one takes the cake for me, heck NOPE! If I see one, it almost makes me want to burn the place down and start from scratch. I don't even want to share a picture below, but I will. Biggest chills for this creepy crawler. Nope, Nope and... NOPE!

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

There you have it, all the NOPES you can find in Washington State. Mind you, there are more than this list but these are the top Nopes. At least we don't live in Australia with all their weird critters!

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