It’s another year, and I found myself once again at work with the sudden realization that we’re only days away from Christmas. Holy cats! It was just Halloween! Wait. Did I miss Thanksgiving? When we were kids, it took forever for Christmas morning to arrive! But as adults? When did time sprout wings? Are we so consumed with work work work, and the mad dash to the cash register line, that we're missing out on all the childlike joy?
As a single person on my own, I find myself not even bothering decking my halls. I can’t even tell you how many years it’s been since I’ve had a Christmas tree. Seriously. I’m sitting here trying to remember. Perhaps some time in the 90’s?
By Christmas Eve, I fall asleep, praying that I get a visit from the Ghosts of Christmas Past. To take me by the hand as we magically return to my wonder years. Wouldn’t be awesome being 10 again, placing ornaments all around the Christmas tree. Putting wrapped gifts underneath. All the while listening to Frank Sinatra’s holiday album. And then turning off all the lights in the family room, except for the twinkling ones hanging on the tree. It would be great to see the whole family together, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, for the Christmas Eve party. Ah! And to see my parents again! Not just young…but also alive.
But why does it have to take a visit from the Spirit of Christmas Past to get me into the Christmas spirit today? Not that I need to have four holiday haunts creeping me out in the middle of the night. I haven’t been a Scrooge. Or have I? OH NO! I own the same nightgown!
But why live in the past? I could get a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Present. They can take my hand and show me plenty of places to go, events to attend, activities to take part in.
LEAVENWORTH: Oh sure, Spirit. Take me to the obvious place. It is after all, Christmastown USA. Heck, Hallmark has been here to film some of their holiday movies. Show up in Leavenworth during the summer months and the town still looks like it’s Christmas. I hate to admit this, but I haven’t yet gone to Leavenworth since I moved out here. Hey! Maybe we’ll see television’s Jennifer Love Hewitt!
CHRISTMAS TREE LOT: Why Spirit are you taking me to the Christmas tree lot at Albertson’s? I have no need for a tree. It’s just me! Well, I could walk around and find a small one. Get just a few decorations and a short string of lights. I don’t need to go crazy. Plus, there’s something about seeing these kids all excited as the tree lot attendant ties their family fir to the roof of their car. Oooo! Hot apple cider!
3000 KNOWLES ROAD: Ah, Spirit. We’re at someone’s home. I don’t know these people. They are going to….(shhhhhh. watch). OH! WOW! The house is so lit with all these creative decorations and lighting effects set to music! I’ve always seen YouTube videos of these homes! Of course I don’t need to drive far to find other neighborhoods lit up like Vegas. This could be fun! I love this!
NUMERICA PERFORMING ARTS: OK, I know why we’re here Spirit. It’s their old time radio show called, World War II Radio Christmas. New Radio KPQ is broadcasting this live on the radio on December 20th. My Uncle John told me stories about when he was a kid, being in the audience during old Bing Crosby radio shows back in the 40’s! Radio during Christmastime during The War helped with folks back in the day get into the Christmas spirit. Plus, I do love the golden age of radio!
CHRISTMAS MUSIC ON 995 THE BRIDGE: Ah…Spirit. Why have you brought me back to work? I thought the purpose here was to free my mind from the job and get into the Christmas spirit? Or is this just plug to let readers know that we’re playing some pretty awesome Christmas music through Christmas day on 995 The Bridge? Yes, listening to some holiday tunes everywhere I go can help get me into the Christmas spirit. That’s why we do this every year. ;) Perhaps Spirit, we can find something a little more triditional?
CHURCH: Oh Spirit. I don’t know. I haven’t attended church in a while. And even then, I was a ‘Back Row Baptist’. Besides I’m sure the church is packed. It is after all, Christmas Eve. What? Oh. There’s a seat in the back? Look, I get it. Christmas is the celebration of the birth our Savior. Couldn’t I just watch A Charlie Brown Christmas? I don’t know if my heart is ready for this, Spirit. And I don’t know if I belong here any more. Have you seen my life in the past few years? It’s been less than perfect. I mean, I know I asked for help finding the Christmas spirit, but….but…. “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
VOLUNTEER: Hey, Spirit? What’s going on in their kitchen? Who are they cooking meals for? Oh. You think I could spend some time volunteering. To serve others. I get that. To make Christmas a little brighter for the community.
Hey, Spirit. I know these are just some of great things going on in the Wenatchee Valley to help me get back into Christmas spirit. But I was thinking. Since you’re able to instantly take us to a place with a snap of the fingers, maybe we can check out the holiday fireworks over on Main Street USA at Disneyland? Hello? Spirit. Spirit? Where did you go? Aw, man!
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