Chelan PUD Shares a Few COOL Tips to Beat the Heat
Chelan PUD is offering some easy, energy-saving tips to beat the heat during the current conditions and the rest of summer.
Many tips require just a few, easy steps and your power bill could also be reduced.
Chelan PUD suggests ceiling fans are an energy-efficient way to circulate air and help you feel cooler. You should be able to adjust the thermostat about 4 degrees higher and maintain a comfortable temperature because of the air movement. To save electricity, don't forget to turn off the ceiling fan if you are not in the room for an extended period.
Awnings or sunshades are most effective at blocking the heat when placed on the south and west sides of your home. By blocking the sun’s radiation, your home will feel more comfortable and you will see lower power bills. Chelan PUD says the addition of an awning or sunshade can be more effective than indoor shades.
Strategic use of your homes windows can be an advantage. At night when temperatures drop, open windows allow cool air in and helps heat trapped in your home escape. Close windows during the heat of day and close window blinds to block the sun's heat.
Chelan PUD suggest an upgrade to energy-efficient windows can help block solar rays from entering your home may be eligible for a PUD window rebate program.
The energy specialists at Chelan PUD suggest keeping your home’s thermostat during daytime hours at around 78 degrees. At night, consider opening windows and turning the AC off to allow the home to cool down at night.
Consider a Smart thermostat that can save energy by following your lifestyle and personal schedule to automatically adjust the settings. Chelan PUD has rebate programs up to $150.
If your air conditioner or heat pump is old and not handling the job, they are probably increasing your power bill. The same could be true of leaky, or improperly installed window units. Chelan PUD has rebate programs for upgrades to a new energy-efficient heat pump or ductless heat pump up to $4,000 Chelan PUD. Newer systems can benefit a homeowner with improved efficiency with a simple tune-up and change. A simple tip; Don't forget to replace your air conditioner filters for better efficiency.
Heating the water in your washing machine accounts for about 90% of it's energy demand so save some money on your power bill by laundering with cold water instead. Consider air drying your clothing outside like days of old and skip the dryer and its power demands. You may have to buy some clothes pins and a clothes line for the sheets and towels but most people have plenty of plastic hangers these days. You might find mother nature is faster than your dryer in the triple digit heat at drying clothes!
Cooking indoors can also add unwanted heat to your home so consider the microwave, grilling outside or recipe you don't have to cook in the oven or on the stove.
Maybe order a pizza or go out to eat!
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