Another step is being taken to accommodate three large data centers Microsoft is planning to build in Malaga. 

The Chelan County Hearing Examiner - Andrew Kottkamp - has approved construction of an electrical utility switchyard and four water tanks to support the building complex. 

Independent agent Chad Mendell spoke on behalf of the project for the property owners at the hearing. 

"Microsoft is very excited about becoming a part of the community," said Mendell. "We're all very excited about the project." 

The four water tanks will be approximately 60 feet tall and 60 feet wide and hold up to 385,000 gallons of water. 

Mendell said they will provide insurance in case of a breakdown in water supply. 

“The four water storage tanks are primarily there as a backup water source, as we’re going to be at the end of the line of a water line,” Mendell said. “So, they’re just for reliability redundancy primarily.” 

Chelan PUD also has approval to build a substation solely for the purpose of supplying power for the data centers. 

The design includes a 115kV proposed breaker-and-a-half configuration and a 230kV ring bus configuration.  

Agreements are in place for Microsoft to reimburse all parties for the cost of building infrastructure for the data centers. 

Location of planned Microsoft Data Center complex
Location of planned Microsoft Data Center complex

The buildings will each occupy 250,000 square feet at 5375 Malaga Alcoa Hwy. They'll sit on a 72.5-acre parcel of land. 

There have been indications Microsoft plans to build the warehouses within three years. 

The property is outside of an urban growth area. 

Hearing Examiner Andrew Kottkamp approved the infrastructure buildout Tuesday after conducting a formal hearing last week. 

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